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Crossrail Place Roof Garden

AX Pro Alarm by Hikvision

The new AX Pro alarm enables you to link your existing Hikvision CCTV cameras to get video verification of your alarm events.

AX Pro Alarm System Overview

The AX Pro Alarm system by Hikvision is a modern alarm system that is built with today's latest technology. 


Offering connection via Wi-Fi, IP or 2 Sim cards the alarm can be professionally monitored or self monitored via the HIk-Connect phone application.  It is capable of up to 96 zones, 8 keypads and 48 users, which makes this alarm suitable as both a home or business security solution.


The HIK-Connect Phone Application - It's intuitive and truly revolutionary.

Want to be in full control of your alarm wherever you are? With a Hikvision Alarm System, you can be connected at all times via the HIK-Connect app.


This useful app will give you instant notifications of alarm events and provides full control of your alarm along with access to the alarm history via a cloud stored event log. You can even set up multiple users to receive notifications of alarms as a back up.

Add Acusense Cameras to your new alarm to enable the Live-Guard Solution.

The Live-Guard solution will enable you to add perimeter security via Acusense Gen 2 Cameras . With Live-Guard you can arm and disarm your Acusense Cameras, just like an alarm system. 


When armed, your cameras flash an LED Light, play warning messages and send instant notifications to mobile devices.


When disarmed, your cameras will simply record like a standard CCTV camera.


AX Pro Packages starting at $1090 + GST Installed

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AX Pro Basic

1 x AX Pro Alarm Panel

1 x Key fob

1 x Reed Switch

2 x Pet immune Motion Detectors

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AX Pro Essentials

1 x AX Pro Alarm Panel

1 x Keypad

2 x Pet Motion Detector

4 x Door/Window Sensors

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AX Pro Perimeter

1 x AX Pro Alarm Panel

1 x Keypad

2 x Pet Motion Detector

8 x Door/Window Sensors

Acusense Live-Guard Solution Packages

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Acusense Live-Guard Basic

1 x AX Pro Alarm Panel

1 x Keypad

2 x Pet Motion Detector

2 x Door/Window Sensors

1 x Acusense 4MP Camera

1 x POE Switch

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Acusense Live-Guard Essentials

1 x AX Pro Alarm Panel

1 x Keypad

2 x Pet Motion Detector

2 x Door/Window Sensors

2 x Acusense 4MP Camera

1 x 8 channel NVR

1 x Relay Module

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Acusense Live-Guard Perimeter

1 x AX Pro Alarm Panel

1 x Keypad

2 x Pet Motion Detector

4 x Acusense 4MP Camera

1 x 8 channel NVR

1 x Relay Module

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